Totsuco creates
new energy
Next Generation Li-ion Battery
東通工の3つの信念 / Three Principles of Totsuco |
Safe and friendly to the human race and the natural world..
Promise abundant and comfortable future..
Pursue cutting edge technology and esteem of ingenious idea |
東通工が取組むテーマ / Theme of Totsuco |
次世代Li-ion電池事業 / Next Generation Li-ion Battery Business
* Dr.Ozawa(R)電池の開発
総合システム / Integration System
* モーター、インバーター等の動力源に対応する電源の開発
Development of Power source compatible for source of power to Motor and
スマートグリッド/ Smart Grid
* マイクログリッドから大規模スマートグリッドまでの開発
Development of Micro-grid system and Large scale Smart-grid system
マグネシウム電池事業 / Magnesium Battery Business
* 注水式Mg電池による照明機器の開発
Development of water injection type Mg Battery for lighting equipment.
* 世界の未電化地域への福音となる簡易照明器具の開発
Development of Simple lighting equipment, which is sure to bring joy and
happiness to the Non-electrified area in the World.
* 災害備蓄用緊急電源の開発
Development of Emergency Power Source that can be stockpiled in case of
LED照明事業 / LED Illumination Business
* 電源部を必要としない照明器具の開発
Development of lighting equipment without Switching Power Supply
* 街路灯、産業用照明、家庭用照明等
Street Light, Industrial Light and Home Appliances etc.
マグネシウム抽出事業 / Magnesium Extraction Business
* 太陽炉によるMg抽出による循環エネルギーの研究開発
Research and Development to Recycle Energy by Extraction of Magnesium
using Solar-Furnace
* 海水の淡水化事業とMgの回収
Desalination of Sea-water Business and salvage of Magnesium as byproduct
from this process
